General Electric
BMW (съкращение от Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, Баварски моторни заводи), е немска компания, един от основните производители на автомобили и мотори. Компанията участва активно в моторните спортове като Формула 1, Шампионата за туристически автомобили и др. Централата на компанията е разположена в сградата BMW-Vierzylinder в Мюнхен.
Харман Кардон е подразделение на Harman International Industries и произвежда домашно и аудио оборудване за автомобили. Основана е през 1953 г. от Сидни Харман и Бернар Кардон.
Hohner Musikinstrumente GmbH & Co. KG е немски производител на музикални инструменти, създаден през 1857 г. от Матиас Хонер. Компанията е позната със своите хармоники, акордеони и китари.
Hohner Musikinstrumente GmbH & Co. KG is a German manufacturer of musical instruments, founded in 1857 by Matthias Hohner. Hohner is identified especially with harmonicas, accordions and guitars.
RITAR was established in May, 2002. Within a few years it rapidly became one of China’s leading lead acid battery and power supply unit manufacturer in China. Currently, the Company has 19 production lines and three manufacturing facilities located in Shenzhen, Shanghai and Hengyang. The Hengyang plant also manufacturers lead plates for use in China Ritar Power’s batteries. The Company sells its batteries to over 800 customers who are located throughout 81 countries.
China Ritar has established a very competitive market position with:
High quality products that are cost competitive and environmentally friendly
A diversified product line sold under the “Ritar” brand
A broad customer base
Advanced technologies developed from strong research and development
Increasing capacity
China Ritar Power primarily targets the following four niche markets:
Uninterruptible Power Source (UPS)
Renewable Energy Storage (wind and solar)
Light Electronic Vehicles: electric bike, scooter, trike and individual mobile vehicle
The Company has developed proprietary formulas that enable it to manufacturer high quality batteries that rival the quality of batteries produced by international manufacturers at a competitive price. Moreover, it is one of few lead acid batteries manufacturers that produce environmentally friendly, cadmium-free lead acid batteries.
In 2006, Ritar launched its nano gel battery that was developed using colloid technology for storage of renewable energy, specifically wind and solar power. The nano gel batteries are widely applied in alternative energy storage for applications such as solar street lights, traffic lights, highway SOS systems and household lighting. The batteries are priced up to one-third to one-half less then the price of the Company’s international competitors.
С ниско вътрешно съпротивление и ефикасни характеристики на разряд, батериите SUNLIGHT намират приложение в много области, както в циклична употреба,
така и в stand by режим. Устойчивата конструкция на батерията позволява перфектната и работа във всяко вертикално или хоризонтално положение.
До пет 5 години живот при ниско натоварване за гамата SPA , 10-12 години за гамата SPB. Продуктите на Sunlight са най-доброто решение за UPS
(системи за непрекъснатост на електрозахранването), фотоволтаични автономни захранвания, генераторни системи, инвалидни колички и др.